Bot Hosting 256MB

Починаючи від

256MB of memory
1x Shared CPU Cores (Intel Xeon E5)
1GB Storage
3x Backups
3x Databases
3x Additional Allocations
14Tbps+ Enterprise DDoS
Unlimited bandwidth
Region Indonesia

Bot Hosting 1GB

Починаючи від

1024MB of memory
1x Shared CPU Cores (Intel Xeon E5)
3GB Storage
3x Backups
3x Databases
3x Additional Allocations
14Tbps+ Enterprise DDoS
Unlimited bandwidth
Region Indonesia

Bot Hosting 2GB

Починаючи від

2048MB of memory
1.5x Shared CPU Cores (Intel Xeon E5)
7GB Storage
3x Backups
3x Databases
3x Additional Allocations
14Tbps+ Enterprise DDoS
Unlimited bandwidth
Region Indonesia